Vice President of Product & Marketing
Seeking out fresh and new business opportunities for Maxxsonics USA, Brian Sherman is the Vice President of Product & Marketing. Working closely internally with Maxxsonics USA and with external suppliers to find the newest trends and opportunities for customers, Brian joined Maxxsonics with 23 years of experience in product development, sales, marketing, and sourcing. Today, Brian continues to push the horizon in product development and innovation while setting the standard for how creative thinking, critical marketing, and product awareness should be handled.
Brian’s Best Piece of Gear
I bought my first pair of MB Quart speakers in 1988 from a local car audio retailer. The model was QM215CS, the first series of MB Quart speaker available in North America, and a few months later I went to work for the retailer. This was the foundation that brought me to where I am today and when we tell our customers that these speakers ‘change lives,’ we mean it!
Brian’s Dream Concert
I’m a total music junkie and have been to concerts all over the world. The one band that my age prohibited me from ever seeing was Led Zeppelin. I’m still dreaming.